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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

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Table of Contents
Volume 9, Issue 6, pp. 963-1132

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Effectively Well-Conditioned Linear Systems

Tony F. Chan and David E. Foulser

pp. 963-969

On the Numerical Approximation of an Optimal Correction Problem

M. C. Bancora-Imbert, P. L. Chow, and J. L. Menaldi

pp. 970-991

Mode-Dependent Finite-Difference Discretization of Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations

C. -C. Jay Kuo and Bernard C. Levy

pp. 992-1015

Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Rayleigh Waves

Alain Bamberger, Bruno Chalindar, Patrick Joly, Jean Elizabeth Roberts, and Jean Luc Teron

pp. 1016-1049

Computing the Inverse of the Chebyshev Collocation Derivative

Daniele Funaro

pp. 1050-1057

A Modified Remes Algorithm

Yi-Ling F. Chiang

pp. 1058-1072

Total-Variation-Diminishing Time Discretizations

Chi-Wang Shu

pp. 1073-1084

On the Parallel Implementation of Implicit Runge–Kutta Methods

Ohannes A. Karakashian and William Rust

pp. 1085-1090

Multivariate Stratification with Size Constraints

Robert S. Jewett and David R. Judkins

pp. 1091-1097

Absolute Bounds on the Mean and Standard Deviation of Transformed Data for Constant-Sign-Derivative Transformations

Neil C. Rowe

pp. 1098-1113

Discrete Event Simulations and Parallel Processing: Statistical Properties

Philip Heidelberger

pp. 1114-1132